A service of excellence

chauffeur opening the door of a limousine

A service of excellence

Our DNA: quality of service

Listening to the needs of our Members, caring for them and offering them outstanding service are all part of John Paul's DNA. Our expert Concierges accompany your Members on a daily basis and provide personalized recommendations and inspiration to continuously improve the experience and become your best brand ambassadors.

Elite Concierges

To offer an exceptional service, we work with the best Concierges. They come from the hospitality industry and are then trained and coached to become elite worldwide Concierges.

The art of listening

John Paul Concierges offer premium support to our Members: they know them perfectly and know how to listen to them attentively to provide the best answers to their requests.

From classic requests...

The John Paul Concierges accompany our Members in their daily life: finding a babysitter for their child or household help, we provide the best answers for everyday life.

...To the most unusual requests

Our experts also know how to generate the extraordinary and to surprise our members by making unexpected proposals or providing unhoped-for answers to their requests.


Let's talk

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to our COLLABORATORS privileged conditions and services for their requests



our customers with a wide range of benefits around the world

John Paul
is also active in these sectors

Hospitality icon

Financial Services

And digital transformation


Mutuals & Insurances
crown icon

Travel & Leisure

Flexible and ecological guarantees


In the automotive industry
Family icon


And consumer goods